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域名简介 Domain Introduction


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第一部分:拼音 shou 的全部汉字

  1. 收 (shōu): 字面含义:拿到,接受。 英语含义:receive, accept, gather, collect.
  2. 手 (shǒu): 字面含义:肢体的末端,人使用工具、拿东西的器官。 英语含义:hand.
  3. 守 (shǒu): 字面含义:看护, охранять, защищать. 英语含义:guard, defend, keep watch.
  4. 首 (shǒu): 字面含义:头,最先的。 英语含义:head, first, chief, leader.
  5. 艏 (shǒu): 字面含义:船头, корабль的船头. 英语含义:bow (of a ship).
  6. Shou (shǒu): 字面含义:用于音译外文人名、地名。英语含义:used in transliteration of foreign names and places. (此为无明确字面含义的音译用字)
  7. 狩 (shòu): 字面含义:打猎, hunting. 英语含义:hunt.
  8. 受 (shòu): 字面含义:接受, получа́ть. 英语含义:receive, accept, suffer, be subjected to.
  9. 售 (shòu): 字面含义:卖, продава́ть. 英语含义:sell.
  10. 授 (shòu): 字面含义:给予, предоставля́ть, дарова́ть. 英语含义:give, confer, award.
  11. 寿 (shòu): 字面含义:寿命, долголе́тие, жизнь. 英语含义:longevity, life, birthday.
  12. 兽 (shòu): 字面含义:野兽, зве́рь. 英语含义:beast, animal.
  13. 瘦 (shòu): 字面含义:脂肪少,худо́й, то́нкий. 英语含义:thin, lean, skinny.
  14. 綬 (shòu): 字面含义:丝带, лента. 英语含义:ribbon, sash.
  15. 痩 (shòu): 字面含义:同“瘦”。 英语含义:same as 瘦 (thin, lean, skinny).
  16. 鏉 (shòu): 字面含义:锄柄, hoe handle. 英语含义:hoe handle.
  17. 兽 (shòu): 字面含义:獸的繁体字。英语含义:beast, animal (traditional form).
  18. шоу (shòu): 字面含义:用于音译外来语“秀”或英文“show”。英语含义:used for transliterating "show". (此为无明确字面含义的音译用字)
  19. 謏 (shǒu): 字面含义:说话声音小, тонкий голос, шепта́ние. 英语含义:speak in a low voice, whisper.

第二部分:拼音 zong 的全部汉字

  1. 宗 (zōng): 字面含义:祖先, основа́тель рода, клан. 英语含义:ancestor, lineage, sect, purpose.
  2. 踪 (zōng): 字面含义:踪迹, след, знак. 英语含义:trace, track, footprint.
  3. 棕 (zōng): 字面含义:棕榈, па́льма. 英语含义:palm, brown.
  4. 鬃 (zōng): 字面含义:马、猪等颈上的长毛, гри́ва (грива грива грива). 英语含义:mane, coarse hair on the neck.
  5. 腙 (zōng): 字面含义:中医指人体躯干部。 英语含义:trunk of the human body (in traditional Chinese medicine).
  6. 综 (zōng): 字面含义:综合, резюми́ровать. 英语含义:synthesize, summarize, comprehensive.
  7. 總 (zǒng): 字面含义:全部, 全体. 英语含义:total, general, always.
  8. 总 (zǒng): 字面含义:总的简化字,全部, 全体。英语含义:total, general, always (simplified form).
  9. ủng (zǒng): 字面含义:象声词, гу́л. 英语含义:onomatopoeia for booming sound. (此为无明确字面含义的象声字)
  10. 纵 (zòng): 字面含义:竖直的, отве́сный, вертика́льный. 英语含义:vertical, lengthwise, indulge, release.
  11. 糉 (zòng): 字面含义:粽子,粽子。 英语含义:zongzi (sticky rice dumpling).
  12. 疭 (zòng): 字面含义:痈肿。 英语含义:carbuncle.
  13. 錝 (zòng): 字面含义:小镰刀。 英语含义:small sickle.

第三部分:拼音组合 shou zong 的全部词组

  1. 收宗 (shōu zōng): 字面含义:收纳宗族,聚集宗族。英语含义:gather the clan.
  2. 收踪 (shōu zōng): 字面含义:收集踪迹,搜集线索。英语含义:collect traces.
  3. 收棕 (shōu zōng): 字面含义:收集棕榈,采摘棕榈。英语含义:gather palms.
  4. 收鬃 (shōu zōng): 字面含义:收集鬃毛。英语含义:collect manes.
  5. 收腙 (shōu zōng): 字面含义:收集腙部 (身体部位)。英语含义:collect trunk (body part).
  6. 收综 (shōu zōng): 字面含义:收集综合信息。英语含义:collect synthesis, gather comprehensive data.
  7. 收總 (shōu zǒng): 字面含义:接收全部,统揽全局。英语含义:receive all, control everything.
  8. 收总 (shōu zǒng): 字面含义:接收总的,接收全部的。英语含义:receive totally, receive in general.
  9. 收ủng (shōu zǒng): 字面含义:接收 гу́л 的声音。 英语含义:receive booming sound.
  10. 收纵 (shōu zòng): 字面含义:收回纵向的,收缩放纵。英语含义:retract vertically, restrain indulgence.
  11. 收糉 (shōu zòng): 字面含义:收集粽子。英语含义:collect zongzi.
  12. 收疭 (shōu zòng): 字面含义:收治痈肿。英语含义:treat carbuncles.
  13. 收錝 (shōu zòng): 字面含义:收集小镰刀。英语含义:collect small sickles.
  14. 手宗 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:手持宗族之权,手工的宗族事务。英语含义:hand in lineage matters, manual clan affairs.
  15. 手踪 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:手上的踪迹,手部留下的痕迹。英语含义:hand trace.
  16. 手棕 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:手持棕榈,棕榈在手中。英语含义:palm in hand.
  17. 手鬃 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:手上的鬃毛。英语含义:mane on hand.
  18. 手腙 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:手的腙部 (身体部位)。英语含义:hand's trunk (body part).
  19. 手综 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:手工综合,手动的整理。英语含义:manual synthesis, hand arrangement.
  20. 手總 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:手总揽,手动管理全部。英语含义:hand control, manually manage all.
  21. 手总 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:手的总的,手部的全部。英语含义:hand's total, hand's entirety.
  22. 手ủng (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:手发出 гу́л 的声音。英语含义:hand makes booming sound.
  23. 手纵 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:手势放纵,用手纵容。英语含义:hand gesture indulge, hand-based indulgence.
  24. 手糉 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:手持粽子,手里的粽子。英语含义:zongzi in hand.
  25. 手疭 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:手部痈肿。英语含义:hand carbuncle.
  26. 手錝 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:手持小镰刀。英语含义:hand sickle.
  27. 守宗 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:守护宗族,保守祖训。英语含义:guard lineage, uphold ancestral teachings.
  28. 守踪 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:守住踪迹,保留线索。英语含义:keep watch over traces.
  29. 守棕 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:守护棕榈树。英语含义:guard palm tree.
  30. 守鬃 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:守护鬃毛。英语含义:guard mane.
  31. 守腙 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:守护腙部 (身体部位)。英语含义:guard trunk (body part).
  32. 守综 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:保守综合信息。英语含义:guard synthesis, maintain comprehensive data.
  33. 守總 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:守护全局,维护总体。英语含义:guard overall situation, maintain total.
  34. 守总 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:守护总的,守护全部的。英语含义:guard totally, guard generally.
  35. 守ủng (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:守护 гу́л 的声音。英语含义:guard booming sound.
  36. 守纵 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:保守纵向的,控制放纵。英语含义:guard vertically, control indulgence.
  37. 守糉 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:守护粽子。英语含义:guard zongzi.
  38. 守疭 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:守护痈肿(不让恶化)。英语含义:guard carbuncle (prevent worsening).
  39. 守錝 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:守护小镰刀。英语含义:guard small sickle.
  40. 首宗 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:首要的宗旨,最先的宗族。英语含义:chief purpose, first lineage.
  41. 首踪 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:最初的踪迹,最先的线索。英语含义:first trace, initial clue.
  42. 首棕 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:首要的棕榈,最好的棕榈。英语含义:chief palm, best palm.
  43. 首鬃 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:最好的鬃毛,最顶级的鬃毛。英语含义:best mane, top-quality mane.
  44. 首腙 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:身体的起始腙部。英语含义:initial trunk (body part).
  45. 首综 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:首先综合,初始的综合。英语含义:first synthesis, initial comprehensive view.
  46. 首總 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:为首的总领,首先统领全局。英语含义:leading overall control, first to control all.
  47. 首总 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:首先总的,首先全面的。英语含义:first total, first general aspect.
  48. 首ủng (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:发出首个 гу́л 的声音。英语含义:make first booming sound.
  49. 首纵 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:首先纵向的,最先放纵。英语含义:first vertical direction, first indulgence.
  50. 首糉 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:第一个粽子,最先的粽子。英语含义:first zongzi, initial zongzi.
  51. 首疭 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:最初的痈肿。英语含义:initial carbuncle.
  52. 首錝 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:首个小镰刀。英语含义:first small sickle.
  53. 艏宗 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:船头的宗族。英语含义:ship bow lineage.
  54. 艏踪 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:船头的踪迹。英语含义:ship bow trace.
  55. 艏棕 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:船头的棕榈。英语含义:ship bow palm.
  56. 艏鬃 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:船头的鬃毛装饰。英语含义:mane decoration on ship bow.
  57. 艏腙 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:船头的腙部结构。英语含义:ship bow trunk structure.
  58. 艏综 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:船头综合考量。英语含义:ship bow comprehensive consideration.
  59. 艏總 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:船头总的方面。英语含义:ship bow general aspect.
  60. 艏总 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:船头总体。英语含义:ship bow in general.
  61. 艏ủng (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:船头发出 гу́л 的声音。英语含义:ship bow makes booming sound.
  62. 艏纵 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:船头纵向结构。英语含义:ship bow vertical structure.
  63. 艏糉 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:船头的粽子(可能指粽子形的装饰物)。英语含义:zongzi (decoration) on ship bow.
  64. 艏疭 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:船头的痈肿(比喻损坏)。英语含义:carbuncle on ship bow (metaphor for damage).
  65. 艏錝 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:船头的小镰刀装饰。英语含义:small sickle decoration on ship bow.
  66. Shou宗 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:Shou 姓氏的宗族。英语含义:Shou lineage. (此处 Shou 为音译姓氏)
  67. Shou踪 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:Shou 留下的踪迹。英语含义:trace of Shou.
  68. Shou棕 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:Shou 的棕榈。英语含义:Shou's palm.
  69. Shou鬃 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:Shou 的鬃毛。英语含义:Shou's mane.
  70. Shou腙 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:Shou 的腙部 (身体部位)。英语含义:Shou's trunk (body part).
  71. Shou综 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:Shou 综合考量。英语含义:Shou's synthesis.
  72. Shou總 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:Shou 总体负责。英语含义:Shou is in general charge.
  73. Shou总 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:Shou 总体的。英语含义:Shou's general aspect.
  74. Shouủng (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:Shou 发出 гу́л 的声音。英语含义:Shou makes booming sound.
  75. Shou纵 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:Shou 的纵向的。英语含义:Shou's vertical aspect.
  76. Shou糉 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:Shou 的粽子。英语含义:Shou's zongzi.
  77. Shou疭 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:Shou 的痈肿。英语含义:Shou's carbuncle.
  78. Shou錝 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:Shou 的小镰刀。英语含义:Shou's small sickle.
  79. 狩宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:狩猎宗族。英语含义:hunt lineage.
  80. 狩踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:狩猎踪迹。英语含义:hunt traces.
  81. 狩棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:狩猎棕榈地区。英语含义:hunt palm areas.
  82. 狩鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:狩猎鬃毛兽(例如某种有鬃毛的猎物)。英语含义:hunt mane beasts.
  83. 狩腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:狩猎腙部动物。英语含义:hunt trunk animals.
  84. 狩综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:狩猎的综合技巧。英语含义:hunting synthesis (skills).
  85. 狩總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:狩猎总动员。英语含义:general hunt.
  86. 狩总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:狩猎的总称。英语含义:hunt in general.
  87. 狩ủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:狩猎发出 гу́л 的声音。英语含义:hunt makes booming sound.
  88. 狩纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:狩猎纵深,深入狩猎。英语含义:deep hunt.
  89. 狩糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:狩猎时吃粽子。英语含义:eat zongzi while hunting.
  90. 狩疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:狩猎导致的痈肿(例如被咬伤)。英语含义:carbuncle from hunting (e.g., bite).
  91. 狩錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:狩猎用小镰刀。英语含义:small sickle for hunting.
  92. 受宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:接受宗族。英语含义:accept lineage.
  93. 受踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:受到跟踪。英语含义:be traced.
  94. 受棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:受到棕榈树的庇护。英语含义:receive palm shelter.
  95. 受鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:受到鬃毛的刺激。英语含义:be affected by mane (e.g., allergy).
  96. 受腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:身体躯干部位受到伤害。英语含义:trunk (body part) be injured.
  97. 受综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:受到综合影响,接受综合信息。英语含义:receive comprehensive effect, receive synthesized information.
  98. 受總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:受到全面的影响,承受全部。英语含义:be affected in general, suffer total.
  99. 受总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:受到总的,受到全面的。英语含义:be generally affected, be totally affected.
  100. 受ủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:受到 гу́л 的声音的影响。英语含义:be affected by booming sound.
  101. 受纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:受到纵容,接受放纵。英语含义:be indulged, accept indulgence.
  102. 受糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:接受粽子(礼物)。英语含义:accept zongzi (gift).
  103. 受疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:受到痈肿之苦。英语含义:suffer from carbuncle.
  104. 受錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:受到小镰刀的伤害。英语含义:be injured by small sickle.
  105. 售宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:出售宗族产业。英语含义:sell lineage property.
  106. 售踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:出售踪迹信息。英语含义:sell trace information.
  107. 售棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:出售棕榈产品。英语含义:sell palm products.
  108. 售鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:出售鬃毛产品。英语含义:sell mane products.
  109. 售腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:出售腙部医疗产品。英语含义:sell trunk (body part) medical products.
  110. 售综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:销售综合性产品,售卖总结信息。英语含义:sell comprehensive products, sell synthesized information.
  111. 售總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:售卖全部,整体出售。英语含义:sell in total, sell everything.
  112. 售总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:售卖总的,售卖全部的。英语含义:sell totally, sell generally.
  113. 售ủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:出售 гу́л 声源的产品。英语含义:sell product of booming sound origin.
  114. 售纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:出售纵向产品(如垂直方向的产品)。英语含义:sell vertical products.
  115. 售糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:出售粽子。英语含义:sell zongzi.
  116. 售疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:售卖治疗痈肿的药物。英语含义:sell carbuncle medicine.
  117. 售錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:出售小镰刀。英语含义:sell small sickles.
  118. 授宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:授予宗族权力,传授宗族知识。英语含义:confer lineage power, teach lineage knowledge.
  119. 授踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:授予追踪任务。英语含义:assign tracking mission.
  120. 授棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:授予棕榈叶制品的制作方法。英语含义:teach palm craft skills.
  121. 授鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:授予鬃毛工艺技巧。英语含义:teach mane craft skills.
  122. 授腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:授予腙部医学知识。英语含义:teach trunk (body part) medical knowledge.
  123. 授综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:传授综合技能。英语含义:confer comprehensive skills.
  124. 授總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:授予全面管理权。英语含义:grant overall management authority.
  125. 授总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:授予总的职责,普遍授予。英语含义:confer general duties, generally confer.
  126. 授ủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:授予发出 гу́л 声的能力。英语含义:grant ability to make booming sound.
  127. 授纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:授予纵向发展权力。英语含义:grant vertical development power.
  128. 授糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:授予制作粽子的技艺。英语含义:teach zongzi making skills.
  129. 授疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:传授治疗痈肿的医术。英语含义:teach carbuncle treatment skills.
  130. 授錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:授予使用小镰刀的技巧。英语含义:teach small sickle usage skills.
  131. 寿宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:长寿的宗族,宗族长寿。英语含义:longevity lineage, lineage longevity.
  132. 寿踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:长寿的踪迹,寿命长的踪迹。英语含义:trace of longevity, long-life trace.
  133. 寿棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:长寿棕榈,寓意长寿的棕榈。英语含义:longevity palm, palm symbolizing longevity.
  134. 寿鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:长寿的鬃毛。英语含义:longevity mane.
  135. 寿腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:长寿的躯干。英语含义:longevity trunk (body).
  136. 寿综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:长寿综合因素。英语含义:longevity synthesis (factors).
  137. 寿總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:长寿总的祝福。英语含义:general blessing of longevity.
  138. 寿总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:总体的长寿,普遍的长寿。英语含义:overall longevity, general longevity.
  139. 寿ủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:长寿之音 гу́л。英语含义:booming sound of longevity.
  140. 寿纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:长寿纵深(例如家族世代长寿)。英语含义:longevity depth (e.g., generations of long life).
  141. 寿糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:长寿粽子,寓意长寿的粽子。英语含义:longevity zongzi, zongzi symbolizing longevity.
  142. 寿疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:长寿的痈肿抵抗力。英语含义:longevity's carbuncle resistance.
  143. 寿錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:长寿的小镰刀(作为长寿象征的工具)。英语含义:longevity small sickle (as a longevity symbol).
  144. 兽宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:野兽宗族。英语含义:beast lineage.
  145. 兽踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:野兽的踪迹。英语含义:beast traces.
  146. 兽棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:野兽栖息的棕榈地。英语含义:palm area inhabited by beasts.
  147. 兽鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:野兽的鬃毛。英语含义:beast mane.
  148. 兽腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:野兽的躯干。英语含义:beast trunk (body).
  149. 兽综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:野兽综合特征。英语含义:beast comprehensive features.
  150. 兽總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:兽类总称。英语含义:general term for beasts.
  151. 兽总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:野兽的总的特性,动物的总类。英语含义:beast general characteristics, animal general category.
  152. 兽ủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:野兽发出 гу́л 的声音。英语含义:beast makes booming sound.
  153. 兽纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:野兽纵身一跃。英语含义:beast leaps vertically.
  154. 兽糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:野兽爱吃的粽子(可能指某种食物形状像粽子)。英语含义:zongzi eaten by beasts.
  155. 兽疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:野兽的痈肿疾病。英语含义:beast carbuncle disease.
  156. 兽錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:野兽使用的小镰刀(不可能,此处字面意义不通顺)。英语含义:beast's small sickle (literal meaning nonsensical).
  157. 瘦宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:瘦弱的宗族。英语含义:lean lineage.
  158. 瘦踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:微弱的踪迹。英语含义:faint traces.
  159. 瘦棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:瘦弱的棕榈树。英语含义:thin palm tree.
  160. 瘦鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:稀疏的鬃毛。英语含义:sparse mane.
  161. 瘦腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:瘦弱的躯干。英语含义:lean trunk (body).
  162. 瘦综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:内容单薄的综合。英语含义:thin synthesis, superficial summary.
  163. 瘦總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:总体瘦弱。英语含义:generally lean.
  164. 瘦总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:总的来说是瘦的,普遍瘦弱的。英语含义:generally thin, overall lean.
  165. 瘦ủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:瘦弱发出的 гу́л 的声音 (声音虚弱)。英语含义:weak booming sound from thinness.
  166. 瘦纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:纵向看是瘦的,高度方向纤细。英语含义:vertically thin.
  167. 瘦糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:瘦小的粽子。英语含义:small zongzi.
  168. 瘦疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:因瘦弱而引起的痈肿疾病。英语含义:carbuncle due to thinness.
  169. 瘦錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:瘦小的小镰刀。英语含义:small thin sickle.
  170. 綬宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:用丝带装饰的宗族。英语含义:ribbon-decorated lineage.
  171. 綬踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:丝带的踪迹,丝带留下的痕迹。英语含义:ribbon trace.
  172. 綬棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:用丝带装饰的棕榈。英语含义:ribbon-decorated palm.
  173. 綬鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:用丝带装饰的鬃毛。英语含义:ribbon-decorated mane.
  174. 綬腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:用丝带装饰的躯干。英语含义:ribbon-decorated trunk.
  175. 綬综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:用丝带捆绑综合。英语含义:synthesis bound by ribbon.
  176. 綬總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:丝带装饰的总的方面。英语含义:general aspect of ribbon decoration.
  177. 綬总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:用丝带总的装饰。英语含义:generally decorate with ribbon.
  178. 綬ủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:丝带装饰发出 гу́л 的声音 (比喻声音柔和连绵)。英语含义:booming sound like ribbon flowing.
  179. 綬纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:丝带纵向缠绕。英语含义:ribbon winding vertically.
  180. 綬糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:用丝带装饰的粽子。英语含义:ribbon-decorated zongzi.
  181. 綬疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:丝带形状的痈肿。英语含义:ribbon-shaped carbuncle.
  182. 綬錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:用丝带装饰的小镰刀。英语含义:ribbon-decorated small sickle.
  183. 痩宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:同“瘦宗”。 英语含义:same as 瘦宗 (lean lineage).
  184. 痩踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:同“瘦踪”。英语含义:same as 瘦踪 (faint traces).
  185. 痩棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:同“瘦棕”。 英语含义:same as 瘦棕 (thin palm tree).
  186. 痩鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:同“瘦鬃”。 英语含义:same as 瘦鬃 (sparse mane).
  187. 痩腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:同“瘦腙”。 英语含义:same as 瘦腙 (lean trunk).
  188. 痩综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:同“瘦综”。 英语含义:same as 瘦综 (thin synthesis).
  189. 痩總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:同“瘦總”。 英语含义:same as 瘦總 (generally lean).
  190. 痩总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:同“瘦总”。 英语含义:same as 瘦总 (generally thin).
  191. 痩ủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:同“瘦ủng”。 英语含义:same as 瘦ủng (weak booming sound from thinness).
  192. 痩纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:同“瘦纵”。 英语含义:same as 瘦纵 (vertically thin).
  193. 痩糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:同“瘦糉”。 英语含义:same as 瘦糉 (small zongzi).
  194. 痩疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:同“瘦疭”。 英语含义:same as 瘦疭 (carbuncle due to thinness).
  195. 痩錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:同“瘦錝”。 英语含义:same as 瘦錝 (small thin sickle).
  196. 鏉宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:锄柄的宗族 (难以理解其字面含义). 英语含义:hoe handle lineage (literal meaning hard to understand).
  197. 鏉踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:锄柄的踪迹 (难以理解其字面含义). 英语含义:hoe handle traces (literal meaning hard to understand).
  198. 鏉棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:锄柄材质的棕榈 (可能指用棕榈木做的锄柄). 英语含义:palm for hoe handle (maybe palm wood hoe handle).
  199. 鏉鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:锄柄上的鬃毛装饰 (装饰或固定用途). 英语含义:mane decoration/fixation on hoe handle.
  200. 鏉腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:锄柄的躯干部分 (指锄柄主体). 英语含义:hoe handle trunk part (main body).
  201. 鏉综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:用锄柄进行综合劳作 (泛指农业劳动). 英语含义:synthesis labor with hoe handle (general agriculture work).
  202. 鏉總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:锄柄的总和,全部锄柄. 英语含义:total hoe handles, all hoe handles.
  203. 鏉总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:锄柄总体的质量,一般的锄柄. 英语含义:general hoe handle quality, ordinary hoe handle.
  204. 鏉ủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:锄柄撞击发出 гу́л 的声音. 英语含义:hoe handle makes booming sound on impact.
  205. 鏉纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:纵向的锄柄,锄柄的长度方向. 英语含义:vertical hoe handle, hoe handle length direction.
  206. 鏉糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:锄柄和粽子 (二者并列). 英语含义:hoe handle and zongzi.
  207. 鏉疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:锄柄引起的痈肿 (长期使用导致). 英语含义:carbuncle from hoe handle (long use).
  208. 鏉錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:锄柄和小镰刀 (工具组合). 英语含义:hoe handle and small sickle (tool combination).
  209. 兽宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的宗族,兽类的宗族. 英语含义:beast lineage (traditional form).
  210. 兽踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的踪迹,野兽的踪迹. 英语含义:beast traces (traditional form).
  211. 兽棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的棕榈,野兽的棕榈. 英语含义:beast palm (traditional form).
  212. 兽鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的鬃毛,野兽的鬃毛. 英语含义:beast mane (traditional form).
  213. 兽腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的腙部,野兽的躯干. 英语含义:beast trunk (traditional form).
  214. 兽综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的综合,野兽的综合. 英语含义:beast synthesis (traditional form).
  215. 兽總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的总,野兽的总. 英语含义:beast general (traditional form).
  216. 兽总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的总的,野兽总的. 英语含义:beast generally (traditional form).
  217. 兽ủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的 гу́л,野兽发出的 гу́л 声. 英语含义:beast booming sound (traditional form).
  218. 兽纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的纵向,野兽纵向的. 英语含义:beast vertical (traditional form).
  219. 兽糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的粽子,野兽和粽子. 英语含义:beast zongzi (traditional form).
  220. 兽疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的痈肿,野兽的痈肿. 英语含义:beast carbuncle (traditional form).
  221. 兽錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:兽的繁体字的小镰刀,野兽的小镰刀. 英语含义:beast small sickle (traditional form).
  222. шоу宗 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:表演(show)的宗族 (难以理解其字面含义). 英语含义:show lineage (literal meaning hard to understand).
  223. шоу踪 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:表演(show)的踪迹 (指演出活动的痕迹). 英语含义:show trace (traces of performance).
  224. шоу棕 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:表演(show)用的棕榈装饰. 英语含义:show palm decoration.
  225. шоу鬃 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:表演(show)用的鬃毛装饰 (例如假发或服装). 英语含义:show mane decoration (wig or costume).
  226. шоу腙 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:表演(show)中躯干部位的展示. 英语含义:trunk (body part) display in show.
  227. шоу综 (shòu zōng): 字面含义:表演(show)的综合效果,舞台综合呈现. 英语含义:show synthesis, overall stage presentation.
  228. шоу總 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:表演(show)的全部,总体的演出. 英语含义:total show, overall performance.
  229. шоу总 (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:表演(show)的总的方面,一般的表演. 英语含义:show generally, show in general aspect.
  230. шоуủng (shòu zǒng): 字面含义:表演(show)中发出 гу́л 的音效. 英语含义:booming sound effect in show.
  231. шоу纵 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:表演(show)纵向展示 (舞台的纵深). 英语含义:vertical display in show (stage depth).
  232. шоу糉 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:表演(show)和粽子 (可能指演出中的食品). 英语含义:show and zongzi.
  233. шоу疭 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:表演(show)导致的身体痈肿 (过度劳累比喻). 英语含义:carbuncle from show (metaphor for overwork).
  234. шоу錝 (shòu zòng): 字面含义:表演(show)用的小镰刀道具. 英语含义:small sickle prop in show.
  235. 謏宗 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:细小的宗族,小声议论宗族事务. 英语含义:small lineage, discuss lineage affairs in low voice.
  236. 謏踪 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:细微的踪迹,不明显的线索. 英语含义:faint traces, subtle clues.
  237. 謏棕 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:矮小的棕榈. 英语含义:short palm.
  238. 謏鬃 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:稀疏而细软的鬃毛. 英语含义:sparse and fine mane.
  239. 謏腙 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:细小的躯干. 英语含义:small trunk (body).
  240. 謏综 (shǒu zōng): 字面含义:小范围的综合,简单概括. 英语含义:limited synthesis, brief summary.
  241. 謏總 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:小范围内的总体,小群体中的全体. 英语含义:small-scale overall, small group's entirety.
  242. 謏总 (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:小范围内的总的,不全面的总括. 英语含义:small-scale general, incomplete general summary.
  243. 謏ủng (shǒu zǒng): 字面含义:微弱的 гу́л 声. 英语含义:faint booming sound.
  244. 謏纵 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:纵向细小,垂直方向纤细. 英语含义:vertically slender.
  245. 謏糉 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:小巧的粽子. 英语含义:dainty zongzi.
  246. 謏疭 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:轻微的痈肿. 英语含义:mild carbuncle.
  247. 謏錝 (shǒu zòng): 字面含义:小巧的小镰刀. 英语含义:dainty small sickle.



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